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Sustainable Innovation

Exothermic Chemical Treatment (ECT®) marks a revolutionary advancement in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Our cutting-edge technology, backed by precise control and dynamic oil production, transforms the industry. ECT® introduces heat directly into the reservoir, dramatically reducing oil viscosity and instantly boosting oil flow.

The ECT® platform incorporates advanced chemical formulae and highly responsive sensors in our Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) for real-time monitoring and adjustments throughout the treatment. With zero energy losses, chemical reactants trigger an exothermic reaction, generating heat and N2 gases that increase reservoir pressure.


By eliminating the need for costly energy generation methods like power plants, ECT® offers unparalleled economic benefits. But it doesn't stop there. ECT® sets new standards for water and energy efficiency, playing a vital role in preserving essential water resources while maintaining peak operational efficiency.


As the sole licensed and certified provider of ECT®, New Oil Generation (NOG) leads the charge with this globally patented technology. Our comprehensive services encompass consulting, analysis, feasibility studies, post-treatment monitoring, and more, making NOG the go-to partner for groundbreaking EOR solutions.


Join us in revolutionizing EOR with ECT®, and be a part of a future where efficiency, sustainability, and innovation drive oil production to new heights.

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